Sometimes a wind blows…
In a darkness
And the mysteries
Of love
Come clear
And dance
In light
In you
In me
And show
That we
Are love
Sometimes a wind blows
And the mysteries of love
Come clear.
In a darkness
And the mysteries
Of love
Come clear
And dance
In light
In you
In me
And show
That we
Are love
Sometimes a wind blows
And the mysteries of love
Come clear.
(Songwriters: Angelo Badalamenti/ David K. Lynch)
After a day at the Free Farm Stand or in the garden this is the way I feel. These days we have so many different guests and helpers showing up and I feel the love we all carry within us. I feel this love also in the flowers that just pop out and sing brightly with their colors or the birds or insects that dance around in the air.
I love the diversity of our farm stand right now, especially our fabulous volunteer crew. I have been able to step back a bit and let others run the show. It is great to share the joy of service with others. In our cartel culture of violence, and money and profit margins seemingly to rule all things, it is so sweet to take a break from it and to create our own world based on compassion and generosity. An example of this is that one of our volunteers Gloria has out of the blue started cooking and feeding all our helpers lunch, sharing her talents at cooking traditional Mexican food, but all vegan.
I am totally in love with her and all who come.

It is summer and our tables have been full especially with produce from Alemany Farm.
there have been tons of cucumbers from the farm

summer time is zucchini time

and green bean time
of course greens and purslane
I highly recommend that if you want to learn what it takes to bring food to your table to come harvest produce at the farm with me some Friday. It gives me such an appreciation and gratefulness to farmers and to the God and Goddesses of the earth.
Michael brought over 20 lbs of rocoto peppers from his backyard from seeds that came from a pepper from the stand
potatoes from my backyard
I thought I would start a cartoon series below to give my observations of living in the city right now.
Please join our great crew of volunteers by just coming to the Free Farm Stand or come by the All in Common Garden. We are also looking for baby food jars to bottle honey and plastic bags to give away soft fruit. Thanks