
On Sunday the Free Farm Stand was met with a bit of wet weather. I think our eleven 55 gallon rain barrels are full at the Free Farm with the rain (it was wet but only rained lightly while we were distributing produce). I myself and I know others were feeling grateful for the change in weather. Because of the weather and I suspect the big football game that was coming up, our numbers were down and at the end of the day we closed up a half hour early and had produce and bread left over. We started off with little produce again and the most the farm contributed was some delicious kale and hot peppers from our unheated hothouse.  For a while I suspect we will continue to have less produce, not only from our farm but from other farmers who give us what they have left-over.

kale in wet weather

Dwarf avocado in rain

It is the time of year to be planting bear root fruit trees and reading seed catalogs. The Free Farm will be hosting a Tu B’Shvat tree planting on Sunday February 5th starting at 10am. It is “The New Year of the Trees” in Jewish tradition, when the dormant trees awaken and begin their new fruit-bearing cycle.

Talking about fruit trees. My excitement for the weekend was attending the California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG) scion wood exchange. I always enjoy going to those yearly events not only to pick up wood for grafting, but to meet fruit growing friends and to talk shop. I usually don’t make the CRFG meetings because they happen on Saturdays when I am at the Free Farm.  If we want to grow our own food we must get friendly with fruit trees and fruiting plants and also learn how to propagate them.

I plan to be at the Free Farm this Wednesday and will be rooting some of the cuttings I got and also will start grafting some trees with the scions I have and will share what I know with whoever is around.

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