Vegetable/Fruit Love

The sun came out despite predictions of rain. Our volunteer crew is fantastic! I love it that we attract new helpers at least every month. I love getting to know my neighbors.  Ed who lives down the street from me brought 13lbs of lemons from his tree to share at our stand.  Kim brought  4lbs of mostly greens from the Secret Garden. Antonio brought some beautiful Portuguese Cabbage leaves, a few Yacón tubers, and some other greens from his nearby backyard. We handed out the first of the lovely tomato starts from the Free Farm greenhouse.
Can we transform this fear based world into one of peace and harmony with love channeled through the sharing of vegetables and fruit? That is what I am thinking now.
 Portuguese Cabbage

One thought on “Vegetable/Fruit Love”

  1. That Portuguese cabbage is so beautiful! Tree, does it grow well in SF? Do you know where I could get some seeds for it?

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