The Mission Greenway is Happening

I have been busy at the All in Common Garden down the street and miss being at the Stand. I am still amazed at how the Free Farm Stand has a life of it’s own and the beautiful produce keeps on coming! My  most recent project,  that I and friends have been working on for a long time, is  putting  a greenway on the old railroad right-of-way across the street from the park where we are every Sunday. This land has no known owners and has been vacant for over 30 years. We have been researching this property extensively and are working with neighbors who have formed a non-profit called Friends of the Mission Greenway to turn this lot into a “A public pedestrian pathway surrounded by trees, pollinator habitat, and edible landscaping for the benefit of neighbors and San Franciscans and that honors the Ohlone peoples on whose unceded land we live.” We hope someday neighbors will be harvesting fruit like they do in the small orchard in the park. Right now, a pop-up garden has been put on the space and others have taken on the job of maintaining the garden and even putting on events. P.S. the Mission Greenway is a working title for now.

There is a petition you can sign here Over 1,000 people so far! You can also check out our website Here is one design idea (it needs more fruit trees):

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